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Nizamova Barno Baxtiyorovna Assistant, Department of Light Industry Technologies and Equipment, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan Karimova Xusnida Djuma qizi Master’s Degree Student, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan


The development of the production of knitwear will lead to the further application of new technologies and the expansion of the range of knitwear. In the fields of trade industry, as well as in the service sector, the main requirement is the production of knitwear, which is combined with high manufacturability and wide distribution, which will lead to low cost, with relatively acceptable consumer characteristics and parameters. In this regard, the solution to the above problems in the technological part of the production of knitwear is of particular importance and is necessary. The article explores the features of improving the technology of production of knitted fabrics using knitted elements, the development of practical methods for obtaining knitted knitwear based on scientific generalization, the formation of patterns on flat knitting machines.


Flat knitting machines, knitted fabric produced on double-knit flat knitting machines, design methods based on elastic weave


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THE FEATURES OF PATTERN FORMATION ON FLAT KNITTING MACHINES. (2022). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 2(02), 1-11.