The scope of Indonesia's recession during the COVID-19 outbreak, which has been going on for nearly a year, was the subject of this paper. This study centers around the public authority's endeavors to determine this emergency through arrangement and system to limit the conversation. To achieve the objective of this review, we initially accumulated primer perusing material by perusing articles on downturn brought about by pandemics to get adequate review plan-related data. We then go over the various means by which we can convey an understanding of the recession and its causes after the opening section's conclusion. After that, we proceed to the middle of the study to select the most significant results. We declare that the findings of this study are legitimate and solid before completing the results. The findings can be summarized as follows, last but not least: The recession has had an impact on the national economy, so the government has decided to give additional money to the most affected individuals as a boost. Another strategy used by the government is to collaborate with third parties to create procedures for dealing with the possibility of a domestic recession and anticipating Covid-19.
COVID-19, decline in Indonesia, pandemic
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