This article presents the results of a comprehensive thermal analysis of cellulose-containing fabrics treated with stable suspensions derived from both unmodified and surface-modified Aerosil-380 nanoparticles. The study aimed to investigate the influence of nanoparticle treatment on the thermal behaviour and fire-resistant properties of the fabrics. The thermal tests, including techniques such as thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), revealed that the application of Aerosil-380, particularly the modified versions, significantly enhanced the thermal stability and fire-technical characteristics of the treated textiles. These improvements were particularly notable in increased resistance to ignition and reduced combustion rates, indicating that the modified nanoparticles contributed to superior fire-retardant properties. The findings suggest that integrating modified Aerosil-380 nanoparticles into cellulose-based fabrics could provide a promising approach for developing advanced materials with enhanced safety features for fire-prone environments.
Nanoparticles, nanosuspension, Aerosil-380
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