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S.M. Khallieva Researcher, Academy Of The Ministry Of Emergency Situations Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan R.N. Norova Research Institute Of Fire Safety And Emergency Situations Of The Ministry Of Emergency Situations Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan Kh.M. Dusmatov PhD, Associate Professor, Academy Of The Ministry Of Emergency Situations Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan


This article presents the results of a comprehensive thermal analysis of cellulose-containing fabrics treated with stable suspensions derived from both unmodified and surface-modified Aerosil-380 nanoparticles. The study aimed to investigate the influence of nanoparticle treatment on the thermal behaviour and fire-resistant properties of the fabrics. The thermal tests, including techniques such as thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), revealed that the application of Aerosil-380, particularly the modified versions, significantly enhanced the thermal stability and fire-technical characteristics of the treated textiles. These improvements were particularly notable in increased resistance to ignition and reduced combustion rates, indicating that the modified nanoparticles contributed to superior fire-retardant properties. The findings suggest that integrating modified Aerosil-380 nanoparticles into cellulose-based fabrics could provide a promising approach for developing advanced materials with enhanced safety features for fire-prone environments.


Nanoparticles, nanosuspension, Aerosil-380


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INVESTIGATING THE IMPACT OF AEROSIL-380 SUSPENSIONS ON CELLULOSE FABRICS VIA THERMAL METHODS. (2024). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 4(09), 17-25.