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Gavharoy Ruzimovna Komilova Phd, Associate Professor, Tashkent State University Of Uzbek Language And Literature Named After Alisher Navoi, (Uzbekistan)


The article discusses the advantages of using axiological scales in the analysis of the level of values reflected in the Uzbek language proverbs. Axiolinguistics is a science that integrates axiology and linguistics and is interrelated with linguoculturology, psycholinguistics, sociology, and cognitology. Axiolinguistics has emerged as a result of highlighting the role of lexical units in the expression of axiological content. The article discusses the main goals, tasks and main issues of axioinguistics. Linguistic definition of evaluation and value, methods of evaluation are described. Scales are the methods of measurement and evaluation used in the exact and natural sciences. In recent years, as a result of the use of scales in the socio-humanitarian spheres, linguistic, psycholinguistic, axiolinguistic scales have emerged. The scale method evaluation level is also important in determining the norm of the relationship. The role of axiolinguistic scales in illuminating the content level reflected in the proverbs is illustrated by case studies. The results and conclusions are presented on the basis of the axiolinguistic scale. Recommendations for using this method are given.


Axiology, lingvoculturology


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METHODS OF ANALYSIS OF VALUES REFLECTED IN PROVERBS. (2022). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 2(12), 34-43.