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Butayarov Abduqodir Tuxtaevich Doctor Of Philosophy In Technical Sciences, (Phd), Uzbekistan


Today, one of the other agronomic properties of this type of soil is that the amount of total nitrogen in the soil depends on the amount of humus in the soil. its amount varies from 0.05% to 0.15%. Typical gray soils are a very favorable medium for nitrification. The main part of nitrogen is found in the soil in the form of nitrate and is in a form that is easily absorbed by the plant. In most cases, the amount of total phosphorus is greater than the amount of total nitrogen. And in the upper layers of the soil, it is 0.1%-0.2%.

Typical irrigated gray soils contain a lot of remains of roots and other parts of the plant, relatively low soil compaction, and humus is present in the plowed part of the soil. These processes have a negative impact on soil fertility. The possibilities of application to modern production, analysis of solving problems, elimination of excess water loss are the main tasks of today in the region.


Area, water, soil


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Butayarov A.T. Improvement of water use in farms in the territory of "Amu-Surkhan" ITSB. // "AGROILM" magazine special issue 4.(60). -Tashkent, 2019. -Рр. 79 - 81.

Butayarov A.T., Serikbaev B.S., Serikbaeva E.B., M.T. Muhamadieva, Technology of efficient use of water in irrigated agriculture. Republican scientific-practical conference on the topic "Environmental problems of rational use of water and land resources in irrigated farming" Volume I. - Tashkent. November 24-25, 2017. Рр.109-111.

Butayarov A.T., Serikbaev B.S. Improvement of water use in farms in the territory of Amu-Surkhan ITXB. Scientific bulletin of TerDU is a scientific-methodical journal. #1.(01) September. -Termiz, 2019. Рр.16-19.

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PROTECTION OF IRRIGATED AND NON-IRRIGATED AREAS FROM WATER EROSION. (2023). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 3(02), 1-6.