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Gagan Mittal Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology, Meerut, U.P., India


Drug-induced end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is a significant and potentially preventable cause of renal failure. This review explores various strategies for the management and prevention of drug-induced ESRD. Drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, can lead to nephrotoxicity, acute kidney injury, and chronic kidney disease, ultimately progressing to ESRD. Understanding the mechanisms of drug-induced kidney injury is crucial in identifying high-risk medications and patient populations. The review highlights the importance of drug monitoring, dose adjustments, and renal function assessment to minimize the risk of drug-induced ESRD. Additionally, it discusses the role of healthcare providers in promoting medication safety and educating patients about potential renal risks. Furthermore, preventive measures, such as drug selection algorithms and pharmacogenetic testing, are explored to tailor drug therapies based on individual patient profiles. This review aims to raise awareness among healthcare professionals and patients about the importance of vigilant medication management and personalized approaches to mitigate drug-induced ESRD.


Drug-induced end-stage renal disease, nephrotoxicity, acute kidney injury


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STRATEGIES FOR MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION OF DRUG-INDUCED END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE. (2023). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 3(08), 05-08.