Malignant neoplasms of the organs of the reproductive system have the largest share in the structure of oncological morbidity in women - 37.3%, and genital tumors account for 17.3% of all malignant neoplasms. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), about 500,000 new cases of malignant neoplasms of the cervix, almost 320,000 cases of endometrial cancer and 240,000 cases of ovarian cancer are registered annually in the world. In our research r=the studied patients were divided into two groups. The main group consisted of 52 patients with IB2, IIB and IIIB stages of CEM who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by radical surgery and/or chemoradiotherapy. Determination of the risk of adverse prognostic factors with careful dynamic monitoring of the tumor process is one of the main conditions for the use of multicomponent treatment of patients with REM. The technological basis of monitoring is the integration of MRI and ultrasound into diagnostic standards.
Malignant neoplasms, endometrial cancer, neoadjuvant chemotherapy
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