One of the main foundations of the large-scale reforms carried out in our republic in recent years is to increase the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work, which aims to ensure that our population, especially the fourth generation, will become mature and well-rounded people in all respects. Of course, educational institutions, along with all other fields, are of special importance in making the people of today, who are the foundation of our future, well-educated, highly professional, and intellectually capable. Also, in the conditions of today's globalization, it is necessary to free them from any ideological threats, to form ideological immunity in their thinking based on the principle of "opinion against thought, idea against idea, enlightenment against ignorance", and to reach the level where they can freely express their opinion on the events that have happened, and if necessary, analyze them. After all, as our country's president Sh.M. Mirziyoyev stated in his speech at the solemn ceremony dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "We consider it our first priority to improve the activities of all links of the education and training system based on the requirements of today's times. When talking about the upbringing of the young generation, I would very much like that each of us, especially our sons who have just come into life, follow these thoughts of our grandfather Abdurauf Fitrat. Here is what our great ancestors said: "It is up to the people to move towards a specific goal, to become statesmen, to be happy and gain respect, to be worldly, or to be weak and humiliated, to bear the burden of misfortune, to be neglected, to be subordinated to others, and to be slaves and captives. it depends on the education received from their parents in childhood."
It is up to the people to move towards a specific goal, to become statesmen, to be happy and gain respect,, to be worldly,, or to be weak and humiliated
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