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M.L. Djalilov Fergana Branch Of The Tashkent University Of Information Technologies Named After Muhammad Al-Khorazmiy, Fergana, Republic Of Uzbekistan


This article examines the effect of normal load on an infinite piecewise homogeneous two-layer plate when the materials of the upper and lower layers of the plate are elastic. The transverse displacement of the points of the contact plane of a two-layer plate is determined, satisfying the approximate equation obtained in the work, replacing only the viscoelastic operators with elastic Lame coefficients, respectively. For a rectangular infinite two-layer piecewise homogeneous plate under non-zero initial conditions, the frequencies of natural oscillations are calculated, and an analytical solution to this problem is constructed. The theoretical results obtained for solving dynamic problems of transverse vibration of piecewise homogeneous two-layer plates of constant thickness, taking into account the elastic properties of their material, make it possible to more accurately calculate the transverse displacement of the points of the contact plane of the plates under normal external loads.


Vibration equations, two-layer plate, displacement


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INFLUENCE OF SHOCK LOADING ON THE INFINITE PIECEWISE-HOMOGENEOUS TWO-LAYER PLATE. (2023). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 3(10), 175-180.