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Suhrob Ahmadjanov Assistant, Department of Metrology, Standardization and Quality Management, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan


In the article, among the main properties of the fabric, the fiber composition of the hemlock thread, the thickness of the hemlock thread, and changes in the density of the hemlock thread in the fabric are analyzed as factors affecting it. Using mathematical modeling methods, regression equations were obtained to calculate the tensile strength of the tissue. The coefficients of the regression equation were tested by Student's and the equation by Fisher's test. Cotton and polyester fibers were used as the fiber content of the hemp yarns used in weaving. 100 percent polyester yarn used as a yarn of 3 different linear densities has been found to have little effect on strength and elongation at break, and strength compared to cotton yarn.


Fabric, mechanical indicators, warp density


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Akramovich, Q.A., To’lanbayevich, A.U.B., Abdurashid O’g’li, A.S. and Hasanboy O’g’li, H.A., Mathematical Modeling Of Moisture Properties Of Terry Tissue. ISSN–2642-7478, Published: May 31, 2021| Pages: 94-99.

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DESIGN OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WIND FABRIC. (2024). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 4(06), 30-39.