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Khasanova Shakhzoda Abdujabbor qizi Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Translation Studies and International Journalism teacher of the department, Uzbekistan


Although Chinese and Uzbek languages belong to different language families, they have similar aspects in terms of grammatical features and phraseology. The basis of our article is to reveal the feature in the process of variation of the unit of analysis of uniqueness among languages, in pronunciation, within the content. It is worth noting that the unifying feature of the concepts of the uniqueness of verb phraseology and phrases is that linguistic objects are approached from the point of view of the integrity of the linguistic structure, as well as the unity of form and content. Also, the role of the use of professional phraseology is partially explained.


verb phraseology, profession, hardworking


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PHRASEOLOGISMS ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROFESSION. (2024). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 4(02), 63-67.