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Akramov Giyosiddin son of Najmuddin Lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences, UBS, Uzbekistan


The work focuses on how marginalization manifests itself in various contexts, including the workplace, education, health and housing, and how it affects various groups of the population, including minorities, women, youth and people with disabilities. The author emphasizes the importance of an intersectoral approach to the problem of marginalization, calling for the integration of the efforts of Government, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and marginalized groups themselves in finding sustainable solutions to overcome exclusion and promote social inclusion and equality. In addition to theoretical analysis, the article contains practical recommendations for the development and implementation of policies and programs aimed at reducing marginalization and its negative consequences. The author emphasizes the need to take into account the diversity of experiences and perspectives of marginalized groups in order to create a more just and inclusive society.


Marginalization, social context, exclusion


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DEFINING MARGINALIZATION IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL CONTEXTS. (2024). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 4(03), 70-75.