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Satish Ashok Shinde Student, Computer Science & Engineering Department, Everest College of Engineering, Aurangabad, India


Data clustering plays a crucial role in the analysis and interpretation of large datasets by identifying patterns, groups, and relationships within data. Traditional clustering techniques, such as k-means and hierarchical clustering, often face limitations when handling complex, ambiguous, or overlapping data. In this study, we propose a fuzzy rule-based clustering system to enhance the accuracy and flexibility of data clustering. By integrating fuzzy logic, which allows for partial membership of data points across clusters, the proposed system provides a more nuanced representation of data relationships.

The approach utilizes a set of fuzzy rules to define cluster boundaries and membership functions, allowing for adaptive cluster formation based on the underlying data structure. This method is particularly beneficial for handling noisy data and datasets with overlapping clusters, where hard clustering techniques struggle. The performance of the fuzzy rule-based system is evaluated using multiple benchmark datasets, with results demonstrating significant improvements in clustering accuracy and interpretability compared to conventional methods.

Furthermore, this study explores the impact of different fuzzy membership functions and rule-set designs on clustering outcomes, providing insights into the optimal configurations for various data types. The findings suggest that fuzzy rule-based clustering can offer a robust, scalable solution for complex clustering problems in fields such as image analysis, bioinformatics, and customer segmentation.


Fuzzy logic, data clustering, clustering accuracy


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ENHANCING DATA CLUSTERING ACCURACY THROUGH FUZZY RULE-BASED SYSTEMS. (2024). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 4(10), 1-8.