The subject of research in the article is ferromagnetic soft magnetic amorphous materials and alloys, which are used in power sources of automated control systems, and in vehicle electrical installations. The aim of the work is an objective comparison of two magnetization models for soft magnetic amorphous alloys - the main magnetization curve using approximation functions and the Giles-Atherton hysteresis loop model. In the study, the least squares method was used to optimize the main magnetization curve and the Giles-Atherton hysteresis loop optimization method with the aim of its maximum coincidence with the experimentally obtained loop. Experimental and reference data for common types of magnetically soft amorphous alloys were used for modeling. As a criterion of model accuracy for both modeling methods, the relative error in determining the magnetic induction value was chosen, and the experimental value obtained from the real hysteresis loop of a magnetically soft amorphous alloy was taken as its exact value, and the approximate value was taken from calculations of the magnetic induction value using the methods of approximating the magnetization curve and simulation of the hysteresis loop using the Giles-Atherton method. As a result of the research, it was revealed that both models of magnetization of magnetically soft amorphous materials give simulation results similar in accuracy. The obtained results of the study can be used to select an appropriate magnetization model for the mathematical description of ferromagnetic devices using magnetically soft amorphous metals and alloys. The final conclusion about the advantages of a particular model can only be made on the basis of the ultimate goals of the analysis.
Vehicle power supply, magnetization curve, approximating
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