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Oripov Jasurbek Ikromjon Ogli Phd, Lecturer, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan Yunusov Maqsudbek Davronbek Ogli Master's Student, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan


Nowadays, if the pole component is obtained due to the mixing of fibres in the technological process of spinning, the production of textiles that meet the high aesthetic and hygienic operational requirements and world demand has increased significantly. In the article, a comparative study of theoretical and experimental methods in the analysis of tissue structure and physical-mechanical properties, theoretical justification of the importance of thread parameters, research of ways to increase the hygienic properties of the tissue in the production of shirt fabrics, silk and the development of a new type of cotton thread tissue was comparatively analyzed.


Light industry, textiles, sewing-knitting


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ANALYSIS OF SHIRT FABRICS FROM A MIXTURE OF LOCAL RAW MATERIALS. (2022). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 2(12), 9-17.