The mechanical properties, thickness and uniformity of the yarn, deformations of its components and the ability of the yarn to withstand repeated forces, as well as different degrees of breakage of yarns in spinning machines, depend on the twist of the yarn. The productivity of spinning machines also depends on the twist of the thread, because at a constant speed of rotation of their components, their productivity is inversely proportional to the twist of the thread. Therefore, it is important to choose the optimal twist of the thread .
The scientific article presents the results of the study of the effect of the number of twists given to the cotton/polyester 80/20% mixed yarn on the quality parameters of the yarn. P wax/polyester 80/20% mixed yarn 14.7 tex ( Ne 40 /1 ) in 850, 918 and 988 twists on ring spinning machines prepared. The quality indicators of the finished yarns were determined using USTER test equipment
The unevenness and mechanical properties of mixed yarns and their coefficients of variation were analyzed. As a result, it was determined that the coefficients of variation of the cotton/polyester 80 / 20% mixed yarn between twist 850 and 918 in terms of unevenness indicators decrease, the tensile strength, breaking strength and breaking work indicators of the yarns increase.
Yarn quality, mixed yarn, unevenness
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Copyright (c) 2023 Fayzullaev Sh.R., Rajapov O.O., Kojametov B.T., Kolondorov M.J.

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