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Jabbarov J.S. Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, 140104, University Boulevard, 15, Samarkand, Uzbekistan Mukhtorov D.N. Branch of National University of Uzbekistan Jizzakh, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan Mustaffaqulov M.A. Samarkand State University Urgut branch, Samarkand, Uzbekistan Baxromov A.B. Samarkand State University Urgut branch, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to determining the Geometric modeling of self-similar fractal structures and fractal size of organs. There is a detailed description of the various mathematical methods for determining the size of fractal organs, and an analysis of errors in determining the fractal size of organs. In the article, the fractal structure, fractal size, properties of human organs were determined using the Mandelbrot-Richardson scale (or cell method). The fractal structure of the human lung was also studied by comparing the fractal structure of tree branches. In particular, tree branches, vascular systems in the human retina, and fractal measurements of the lungs were calculated. In determining the fractal scale, changes in human body parts were not taken into account. Most articles have used fractal measurement only in relation to geometric shapes. In this article, the fractal structure of human organisms is studied on the basis of mathematical formulas and special methods are used to calculate fractal dimensions, as well as the results of an appropriate number of experiments.


Fractal, fractal measurement, Mandelbrot-Richadson measurement


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GEOMETRIC MODELING OF SELF-SIMILAR FRACTAL STRUCTURES. (2023). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 3(12), 185-197.