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Yulchiev Boymurod Assistant Teacher at the Department of Medical Sciences at Branch of Kazan Federal University, Uzbekistan


Microorganisms play a crucial role in the ecosystem, influencing various natural processes and supporting life on Earth. Understanding the diversity of microorganisms, including their shapes and sizes, is essential for comprehending their ecological functions and interactions. This article provides an overview of microorganisms in nature, exploring their morphological diversity and dimensions. By examining the shapes and sizes of microorganisms, from bacteria and archaea to fungi and protists, this article sheds light on their adaptation strategies, ecological niches, and contributions to ecosystem dynamics. Through a comprehensive examination of microorganisms in nature, this article highlights their significance in maintaining ecological balance and biodiversity.


Microorganisms, Shapes, Sizes,


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MICROORGANISMS IN NATURE, THEIR SHAPES AND SIZES. (2024). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 4(05), 63-67.