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Abdulhamid Xolmurodov Doctor Of Philological Sciences, Professor, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Thanks for independence, we had the opportunity to read and study our history in its original form. Falsification of the past, the one-sided study of the rich history of our nation has led to confusion, erroneous opinions and conclusions about it. However, the weight of the scientific, artistic and historical heritage that has come down to us from our great-grandfathers are so great that studying them and inculcating them in our minds will raise our spirituality and increase our national pride.


Our writers, poets, and historians have been showing selflessness in studying and researching our past cultural heritage, presenting the essence of the bright pages of our history to our people. Amir Temur and the period of the Timurids occupy a special place in the history of Uzbek statehood. Dozens of monographs


Каримов И. Юксак маънавият-енгилмас куч, Тошкент, “Маънавият” нашриёти, 2009 йил, 113-бет

Назаров Б. Барҳаёт асар, сўзбоши, Муҳаммад Али, “Улуғ салтанат”, Эпопея, биринчи китоб. “Жаҳонгир Мирзо”, Тошкент, “Sharq” нашриёт-матбаа акциядорлик компанияси Бош таҳририяти, 2014 йил, 16-бет

Шермуҳаммедов Пирмат, Хоразм маликаси ёхуд Амир Темурниниг келини, бадеа-роман, Тошкент. Ўзбекистон Респубикаси Фанлар академияси “Фан” нашриёти, 2006 й.Б.6.

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NATIONAL PRIDE AND SPIRITUAL MATURITY. (2023). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 3(04), 36-41.