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Makhfuza Ravshanovna Artikova Doctor Of Philosophy (Phd) In Philological Sciences, Uzbekistan


This article is dedicated to the Spanish phraseological units and the problems of translating them into the Uzbek language. As we know, that Spanish and Uzbek are the languages of various linguistic structures. Furthermore, they are the languages of nations of various cultural origins. For this reason, during the translation of the phraseological units in the Spanish classes, the Uzbek students will have the problems of translating them correctly, in particular the phraseological units, in which the names of the parts of the body and the names of the animals are used. If we pay attention to the issue that the majority of phraseological units are not directly translated into Uzbek, first of all it is necessary to explain to the essence of these units and to find their equivalents in Uzbek. In the paper he analyzes the cultural heritage of Spain and Uzbekistan using the example of phraseological units and the problems of their translations.


During the translation, the translator encounters difficulties


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CULTURAL PROBLEMS IN THE TRANSLATION OF SPANISH PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS INTO UZBEK. (2023). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 3(05), 210-215.