The increasing demand for sustainable construction materials has driven the exploration of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) to enhance the properties of concrete while reducing its environmental impact. This study investigates the synergistic effects of glass powder (GP) and rice husk ash (RHA) as partial replacements for cement in concrete. Various mix proportions were tested to evaluate their influence on mechanical properties, including compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength, as well as durability parameters such as water absorption, chloride resistance, and sulfate attack.
Results reveal that the combination of GP and RHA significantly improves the mechanical properties of concrete, particularly at later ages, due to the pozzolanic reactions and filler effects. The inclusion of these materials also enhances durability by reducing permeability and improving resistance to chemical attacks. Optimal performance was observed at a combined replacement level of 20–30%, beyond which a slight reduction in strength was noted. This research highlights the potential of using GP and RHA to produce eco-friendly concrete with improved performance, aligning with sustainability goals in the construction industry.
Glass Powder, Rice Husk Ash, Sustainable Concrete
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