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Nigora Sharipova PhD, DSc students, Navoi state pedagogical institute, Navoi innavations university, Uzbekistan


The article analyzes the role of stories in the composition of the dastans “Hayrat ul-abror”, their important function in the formation of the structure of the work, the ideological and artistic features of the story, their classification, and plot issues.  When creating the “Hayrat ul-abror” architectonics, the issues of the original style of Hazrat Navoi, his attitude to tradition, the early epics of his predecessors and innovation were highlighted.  It was found that the stories, considered the illustrative final part of the conversations of the epic, are an important factor in proving the poet’s artistic intention.  “Hayrat ul-abror” emphasizes that conversations and stories are inextricably linked, that a specific moral, poetic idea is expressed in conversations based on the author’s own opinion, the author’s views on time, space, reality, that the stories reveal the issue discussed in the conversations, problem, the attitude of the sages of the past, saints to the idea.  This article also reveals the principles of updating epic stories, a realistic reflection of the spirit and problems of the era in which the poet lived.


Story, composition, classification


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THE ROLE OF THE NARRATIVE GENRE IN THE COMPOSITION OF THE FIRST EPICS "KHAMSA". (2024). International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 4(10), 17-28.