Educational inclusion, regarded as a guiding philosophy, seeks to ensure that all1 children have access to education while fostering strategies that advance an inclusive society. This paper underscores the significance of inclusive pedagogy and child welfare, highlighting the role of an inclusive culture as a fundamental aspect of delivering quality educational experiences and establishing inclusive institutions. Such a culture is essential for cultivating a secure and stimulating environment where every individual is valued, serving as a foundation for the collective success of all community members. It nurtures shared inclusive values that are instilled in new staff, children, parents, guardians, and local community members. Given that inclusive culture encompasses both visible and invisible elements, as well as assumptions that may be recognized or overlooked, it plays a crucial role in facilitating participation while also addressing issues of exclusion, discrimination, and student isolation. Consequently, the exploration and enhancement of an inclusive culture within educational institutions necessitate scholarly and professional insights regarding the importance of integrating all children into the mainstream educational framework. This is an ongoing process that evolves daily within educational settings, with contributions from all individuals involved, both directly and indirectly.
Educational inclusion, inclusive culture, inclusive education
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