Modern society emphasizes the concept of tolerance at all levels and in all aspects, including international relations and cultural interactions.
Social and cultural problems that arise in the process of globalization have a significant impact on the forms of self-determination of individual people. In the course of the modern era, a new type of self-identification of a person is being formed in culture. Types of socio-ethnic identity are also undergoing significant changes. This growth of cultural and socio-psychological diversity is by no means a harmonious process. Behind it lies the global phenomenon of the destabilization of the relationship between the individual and society, the crisis of the individual's social identity. The globalized world simultaneously involves him in many new informational, cognitive and practical interactions, and turns the purpose and meaning of these interactions into something relative, transitory, situational, devoid of this value content capable of forming stable human societies. This situation can also be defined as a crisis of human sociality and its institutional foundations.
For many countries, this not only means choosing a competitive development strategy, but also becomes a matter of national survival.
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